- Shock dynamics in random media (Alghamdi, Ketcheson, Muite)
- Generalized Lax condition for fronts
- shock suppression, shock formation delay
- time reversal?
- 1D
- 2D/3D?
- Journal: Comm. Math. Sci.
- z-dispersive Stegotons revisited (Ketcheson, Muite?, Quezada?)
- Analysis of simplified homogenized equations from my thesis
- Stegoton velocity lower and upper bounds
- Solitary waves -> shocks transition
- (almost) everything becomes stegotons!
- Velocity waves (Benson)
- c-dispersive linear waves (Quezada, Ketcheson)
- Homogenization
- High-frequency dispersion relation?
- FV, spectral, and spectral-homogenized simulations in 2D
- 3D simulations? Maybe, or leave those for later.
- Anisotropic media that behave isotropically
- Journal: Multiscale modeling and simulation/ SIAM Appl. Math. / Something physics
- c-dispersive stegotons (Ketcheson, Quezada)
- Formation
- Collisions
- Amplitude velocity, shape, scaling relations
- Solitary wave velocity lower and upper bounds
- Journal: Multiscale modeling and simulation / SIAM Appl. Math. / Comm. Math. Sci. / Something physics