maintaining the numerics website
Basic Information
The numerics website is hosted on a local Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server box (version 6.3).
The current hostname and IP of this machine at KAUST are:
hostname: lthcinump1
Currently accounts have been set up for Matteo, David, and Aron. If you also need login access to this server please discuss this with David. Our IT points of contact are:
Khaled Hassan - Stan Flachs -
Logging in
You can login to the machine with the following command:
ssh l-ahmadiaj@
Alternatively, I use the following configuration in .ssh/config:
Host numerics
User l-ahmadiaj
ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes
RemoteForward 22821 localhost:22
This allows me to login directly using:
ssh numerics
It is also handy to remotely set up your public SSH key using ssh-copy-id
, see man ssh-copy-id
for more information.
Updating the Website
The website itself is stored as a large private repository in BitBucket. If David has granted you access to the website, you can access the repository at
You will need to tell Mercurial to trust other users from the apps directory. Create a file called .hgrc in your user directory and put the following in it:
groups = apps
You can update the website directly from the Bitbucket repository:
cd /var/www/html/
hg pull -u
To update the docs for PyClaw, NodePy, and RK-opt, you must build them locally on your machine (using Sphinx) and then copy them to the appropriate subdirectory on the server.
You can retrieve the repository while logged in to the numerics webserver with the following command. Note that the username and password should correspond to your BitBucket account.
curl --user ahmadia -O
Once you have the repository, unzip it into a temporary directory and move the files over to /var/www/html
unzip -d ~/sandbox
mv sandbox/ketch-numerics-website-2b3a33cfef7a/* /var/www/html