- Revise and submit the manuscript on iterative Riemann solvers.
- Implement a fully working 2D solver in Geoclaw for dispersive water waves.
- Write a manuscript regarding nonreflecting BCs for the piston problem of the Euler equations.
- Revise abstract and introduction of iterative Riemann solvers paper to highlight contributions.
- Write and submit abstract for ICIAM.
- Submit iterative Riemann solvers paper.
- Start writing a document with relevant literature for dispersive water waves (Bousinnesq type) models.
- Continue with 1D implementation in classic Clawpack of solver for hyperbolic relaxation of BTEs.
- Validate the Pyclaw numerical solution of Escalante’s model with real-world data. In particular, check why the numerical solitary wave seems to be translated with respect to the data from Synolakis experiment: Is it the initial condition? Is there a bug in the code? Is it the method that we are using to introduce dissipation (transition to SWEs)?
- Get a working 1D implementation in classic Clawpack of Escalante’s dispersive water wave model.
- Literature review for piston problem paper
- Get a 2D Pyclaw implementation of Escalante’s dispersive water wave model, hopefully with some potential ideas for transition to SWEs. Maybe this could be done before Geoclaw’s 1D implementation
- Begin writing piston problem paper, maybe some short drafts of each section.
- Get a working 2D implementation in classic Clawpack of Escalante’s dispersive water wave model This will probably involve plane waves over a rectangular canal first. …