Matteo/15 April 2012


  1. Investigate internal stability functions of the ERK schemes optimized for SD
  2. Add internal stability section to SD paper
  3. Correct report on internal stability to include implicit RK scheme
  4. Test all the generated ERK schemes for 2D linear advection equation in a torus
  5. Work on BR2 approach for the diffusive term
  6. Start preparing lecture for Tuesday

Topic for discussion

  1. 1D test for SD + ERK-SSP schemes (ICOSAHOM paper: max 8 pages)
  2. What should we add to the SD paper about internal stability after the surprising results?
  3. Sharpclaw paper

Plan for the next week

  1. Run simulation for the SD paper
  2. Prepare lectures
  3. Start running LES/DNS with SD