Matteo/11 March 2012


  1. Read available literature on internal stability of Runge-Kutta scheme
  2. Work out expression(s) to investigate the internal instability. Work still in progress
  3. Prepare unstructured mesh for the flow over a triangle (with structured “BL”)
  4. Prepared SV spectrum for ERK smoothing optimization
  5. Get familiar with C++ template
  6. Read for 3 chapters of Gottlieb, Ketcheson, Shu book

Plan for the next week

  1. Write python code that computes and plot the internal stability region of an ERK given in Butcher (or Shu-Osher) form
  2. Investigate accurately the ERK optimized for SD
  3. Writing paper: internal instability and add results
  4. SharpcClaw SISC paper ( :-( )
  5. Prepare python scripts to run all the computations for the paper (time?)
  6. Set-up mesh for SD-LES in a muffler (time?)