Front Page

Numerical Mathematics group wiki

This wiki is maintained by the numerical mathematics group as a place for internal collaboration and research notebooks. If you are a group member, please put your own pages in a subdirectory named after you.



Group meetings


Potential research projects

User subdirectories

Active users

How do I?

This section of the wiki is for maintaining tutorials on how to do common tasks that are not documented elsewhere.

maintaining the mathwiki server

maintaining the numerics website

directly access the git repository beneath this wiki


You can edit this page by clicking on the “edit” tab at the top of the screen. For instructions on how to make a link to another wiki page, see the Help page. To create a new wiki page, just create a link to it and follow the link.

Help is always available through the “Help” link in the sidebar. More details on installing and configurating gitit are available in the Gitit User’s Guide.


Some things we’d like to add to the software underlying this wiki.

  • Labeling and referencing equations in latex
    • this and much more (e.g., numbered theorems) is available in Instiki; should we switch?
    • It is possible to do this in Gitit, but it is awkward because it requires markup that laTex won’t accept.
  • Ability to parse latex and include images (via markdown) in the same page
  • Ability to make pages private or public – also sort of doable with Instiki
  • roundtrip markdown+code <–> code+markdown-in-comments through pandoc
  • Give a warning if no comment is written (rather than discarding changes)

Group projects

Archived user and project pages



collaborative project ideas

Positivity Plans

Internal stability of Runge-Kutta methods

Nonlinear waves in heterogeneous media